Geibel & Hotz Verarbeitungsgröße: xyz 600x400x350 mm
Geibel & Hotz Verarbeitungsgröße: xyz 600x400x475 mm
Huber OCT River 600 CNC
Verfahrwege: xyz 600x400x400 mm
Startlochbohrdurchmesser: 0,25-6,0 mm
CRYSTA-APEX S574, KMG Mitutoyo
Messbereich: xyz 500x700x400 mm
Lasertyp DPL Smart Marker II PLe, ACI Laser-Components
Markierfeld: xyz 615x430x440 mm
Gildemeister Universaldrehmaschine NEF 320
Spitzenweite: 750 mm, größter Umlaufdurchmesser über Bett 320 mm
Bearbeitungsgröße der Mikrostrahlanlage : xyz 550 x 350 x 400 mm
Strahlmittel: Glasperlen 70-110 µm und <50 µm / Korund
Rhino 7 (Robert Mc Neel)
Peps V2022 (Camtek)
Bilder von PC3.8 (Schott)
Alle gängigen Import- und Exportformate können gelesen werden.
Strahlanlagentyp: Iepco Peenmatic 620S
Nutzfläche: 550x350x400 mm
Strahlmittel: Aluminiumoxid/Glasperlen 70-110 μm; 17-62 μm, <50 μm
With a wealth of experience in the machining and processing of hard metals, stainless steels, titanium, and aluminum, we are well-equipped to tackle the most challenging materials and projects.
Surface finishing is often used to enhance the visual appeal of a product. This includes providing a smooth, glossy, matte, or textured finish, as well as adding colors and decorative elements.
Many surface finishing methods are employed to protect materials from corrosion, extending the lifespan of products, especially in industries like automotive and construction.
Surface finishing can improve the wear resistance of components, making them more durable and reliable, particularly in machinery and engineering applications.
Some surface treatments are used to enhance or modify the electrical and thermal conductivity of materials, which is valuable in electronics and heat transfer applications.
Many industries have strict regulations governing surface treatments to ensure the safety of products and environmental compliance. Compliance with these regulations is a key consideration in surface finishing processes.
We provide full time support to our beloved customers to fix there issue on the spot.